
Are you tired of feeling tired?

Are you dreaming of a time when life eventually settles down?

When you have less things to juggle…

When your stop working full time…

When your kids are a bit older…

When you win the lottery…

When you retire…

I know that feeling. I have had those feelings. I also know that along side those feelings you are feeling 'the guilt'.

Guilt for wishing time away …

Guilt for not being the mother, the partner, the friend you want to be, or the ‘you’, you feel you should be.

I know you. I’ve been you. Right now, you don’t feel like a ‘you’ that you recognise.

If this sounds familiar, we need to talk.

I work with mothers that feel exhausted and overwhelmed but are often highly functioning so that the outside world has no idea how much water you're treading internally.

Women that have tried all the life hacks, tried Marie Kondo, tried the ‘Organise your life in 30 minutes a day’ but no matter what you do, you keep drowning in the quicksand of your never ending ‘To Do List’.

You’re probably not going to believe me, but instead of all the doing, doing, doing, you actually need to STOP. That’s right a great big capital letter worthy STOP!

You need to rest (and when I say rest I don’t mean stick the TV on for an hour, whilst scrolling on your mobile once the kids are in bed!).

You need to recharge, you need to take time and space to reconnect with yourself. You need to have space and time to understand who you are and what you want the next part of your life to look like.

You need to move, breathe and create space in your body to ease those aches and feel good in your own skin.

So dust off your trusty rocket and come join me on a space adventure!

I offer women like you the time and space to feel rested, rejuvenated and reconnected with themselves. You can do this with me in a yoga class, planning for a birth, on a half day Mini Retreat or join the Online Membership on Patreon.

If you want some of this, but you aren’t sure which option is right for you, get in touch for a chat. You can email me at theyogatribene@gmail.com

Now the formal bit…

Hello!! My name is Cat Percival and I am the founder of The Yoga Tribe.

I am trained in Hatha, Slow Flow, Pregnancy, Postnatal and Baby Yoga. I am a member of Yoga Alliance Professionals and completed my training with Inner Fire Yoga and Sally Parkes.

I am also a qualified nurse. I have sound anatomical knowledge and come from a background of caring for people from a holistic perspective. Understanding that to feel good you need to take care of your emotional and mental wellbeing in addition to physical needs.

You guys are The Tribe.

The Yoga Tribe is a supportive community, filled with people who feel just like you. Supporting each other to feel a like themselves again. Supporting each other to take steps towards the life they want to be living.

I’d love to see you at a session soon.

Welcome to The Tribe!

The Yoga Tribe Community